Symptoms Services

 Spectrum Disorder

Spectrum Disorder

 Spectrum Disorder

Neurodevelopmental Disorders include Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Ect.

Autism Spectrum Disorder 

Autism Spectrum Disorder now encompasses Autism, Asperger’s Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder under the umbrella of one diagnosis. The cause for this disorder is still unknown. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological disorder that impacts one’s ability to relate and communicate with others. As understood to date, different areas of the brain fail to cohesively work together. These complications can have a wide range of impact, influencing both cognitive and social development.

Pervasive Developmental Disorders

Pervasive Developmental Disorders also referred to as PDDs includes conditions that effect delays in a child’s development. Many of these delays impact basic skills and are typically identified around 3 years of age. While the developmental delays start much earlier than this, problems become increasingly more prominent as children reach the toddler years and distinctions between children the same age are more evident. Common problems include delayed walking or talking, difficulty socializing with others, inability to communicate, lack of imagination, and confusion. Children diagnosed with PDD are often social and tend to fall on the less severe side of the spectrum.

Asperger’s Disorder

Asperger’s, like autism, has traditionally been classified under Developmental Disorders as a type of PDD. Today both Asperger’s and Autism are on one spectrum with Asperger’s leaning towards the less severe. Children with Asperger’s tend to have a higher functioning capacity than those with autism. Additionally, those diagnosed with Asperger’s generally have normal intelligence levels and normal language development. It is, however, quite common for them to struggle with communication as they progress through adolescent and teenage years. Individuals diagnosed with Asperger’s disorder or Autism spectrum disorder as it’s labeled today, have a high chance of integrating into the professional world as adults.

The following signs are often associated with Asperger’s.

• Lack desire to interact

• Struggle to puck up and interpret social cues

• Disconnect with emotions

• Inability to effectively communicate thoughts & feelings

• Low frustration tolerance & lack of patience

• Dislike tardiness

• Struggle with all types of relationships

• Like to be entertained without having to exert effort

• Inability to adjust to changes in plans or routine

• Sensory integration issues- Find common clothing like socks extremely uncomfortable due to neurological connections